Results for 'Johannes Matheus Maria Hermanus Thijssen'

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  1.  16
    Censure and Heresy at the University of Paris, 1200-1400.J. M. M. H. Thijssen, Johannes Matheus Maria Hermanus Thijssen & Thijssen Thijssen - 1998 - University of Pennsylvania Press.
    The book documents thirty cases in which university-trained scholars were condemned for disseminating allegedly erroneous opinions in their teaching or writing.
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    Grenzen überschreitende Ethik: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Johannes Hoffmann anlässlich seines 60. Geburtstags.Johannes Hoffmann, Maria Hungerkamp, Matthias Lutz & Enrique D. Dussel (eds.) - 1997 - Frankfurt: IKO-Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation.
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    Ratio, wetenschap en recht: een onderzoek naar de opvatting van "wetenschap," "recht" en de "grundnorm" in de Reine rechtslehre van Hans Kelsen.Johannes Henricus Maria Klanderman - 1986 - Zwolle: Tjeenk Willink. Edited by Hans Kelsen.
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  4. Experience and Analysis: Papers of the 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium: August 8-14, 2004, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Vol. XII. Marek, Johann Christian & Maria Elisabeth Reicher (eds.) - 2004 - niederosterreichkultur.
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    Making sense in music: an enquiry into the formal pragmatics of art.Jozef Johannes Petrus Maria Kunst - 1978 - Ghent, Belgium: Communication & Cognition.
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  6. Papers of the 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Experience and Analysis.Johann Marek & Maria Reicher (eds.) - 2004
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    Persoonlijkheid en opvoeding.Johannes Antonius Maria Jozef Pennock - 1949 - Amsterdam,: Jasonpers Universiteitspers.
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    Prolegomena to a Study of John Buridan’s Physics.Johannes M. M. H. Thijssen - 2005 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 79 (3):493-502.
    After a brief sketch of the state of Buridan studies, this review article examines the recent study, by Benoît Patar, of a commentary on Aristotle’s Physics that is generally attributed to Albert of Saxony, but which Patar believes to have been authored by John Buridan (the text is preserved in the manuscript Bruges, Stadsbibliotheek 477, fols. 60va–163vb, and was edited by Patar himself in 1999). Patar is utterly convinced that the Bruges Quaestiones represent Buridan’s prima lectura, that is, his first (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas's Second Parisian Regency. A Neglected Biographical Detail.Johannes Thijssen - 1999 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 4 (1):225-232.
  10. Some Reflections on Continuity and Transformation of Aristotelianism in Medieval Natural Philosophy.Johannes Thijssen - 1991 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 2 (2):503-528.
    In risposta alla diffusa credenza, promossa soprattutto dalle opere di C. Schmitt, dell'esistenza di una pluralità di approcci alla filosofia naturale di Aristotele, nel Medioevo e nel Rinascimento, viene qui sottoposta ad esame la categoria storiografica di «aristotelismo». Al fine di spiegare continuità e trasformazioni nella storia dell'aristotelismo, si propone una definizione tipologica di questa categoria e si traccia una distinzione tra i principi generali che costituiscono il nucleo dell'aristotelismo, e che sono professati da tutti gli aristotelici, e le specifiche (...)
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  11. Geschiedenis als cultuurcomponent.Johannes Hermanus van Stuijvenberg - 1964 - Breda: [Kon. Militaire Academie].
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    The Dynamics of Aristotelian Natural Philosophy from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century.Cees Leijenhorst, Christoph Lüthy & Johannes M. Thijssen - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (4):779-780.
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  13. Intimidación escolar, escuela Y familia: Una triada al Borde de Una perspectiva más humana Y social.María del Pilar Buitrago Peña, Karol Andrea Cabrera Cifuentes, Mónica Constanza Guevara Jiménez & Niny Johann Sánchez Rodríguez - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 1 (1).
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    Filial obligations to elderly parents: a duty to care?Maria Stuifbergen & Johannes Delden - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (1):63-71.
    A continuing need for care for elderly, combined with looser family structures prompt the question what filial obligations are. Do adult children of elderly have a duty to care? Several theories of filial obligation are reviewed. The reciprocity argument is not sensitive to the parent–child relationship after childhood. A theory of friendship does not offer a correct parallel for the relationship between adult child and elderly parent. Arguments based on need or vulnerability run the risk of being unjust to those (...)
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  15.  12
    Die Idee des Unbedingten.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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    (2 other versions)Wesen und Erscheinung.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1915 - Kant Studien 20 (1-3):276-298.
  17.  7
    Philosophie und Theologie im Mittelalter: die historischen Voraussetzungen des Anti-Modernismus.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1911
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    Wagner und Nietzsche.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1926 - Strecker Und Schröder.
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    Alsted and Leibniz: on God, the magistrate, and the millennium.Johann Heinrich Alsted, Maria Rosa Antognazza & Howard Hotson (eds.) - 1999 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in Kommission.
  20. Gesamtausgabe, Reihe II, Bd. 10: Nachgelassene Schriften 1806-1807.Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Reinhard Lauth, Hans Gliwitzky, Peter K. Schneider, Erich Fuchs, Marco Ivaldo & Anna Maria Schurr-Lorusso (eds.) - 1994 - frommann Holzboog.
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    Sobre la lógica en general.Johann Heinrich Lambert & Luciana María Martínez - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (173):187-193.
    Se ha intentado realizar una traducción literal del texto de Lambert. En contadas ocasiones se han substituido construcciones sintácticas del alemán por otras que facilitan, a juicio del traductor, la lectura del texto en español. Asimismo, en algunos pasajes se han alterado los signos de puntuación, con la finalidad señalada.
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  22. Erfahrung Und Analyse. Beiträge des 27. Internationalen Wittgenstein-Sym­Posiums.Johann C. Marek & Maria E. Reicher (eds.) - 2004 - Ilwg.
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    Geleitwort.Johannes L. Brandl, Marian David, Martina Fürst, Guido Melchior, Dolf Rami, Maria Reicher & Leopold Stubenberg - 2023 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 100 (1-2):3-4.
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    People With Parkinson’s Disease and Freezing of Gait Show Abnormal Low Frequency Activity of Antagonistic Leg Muscles.Maria-Sophie Breu, Marlieke Schneider, Johannes Klemt, Idil Cebi, Alireza Gharabaghi & Daniel Weiss - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    ObjectiveFreezing of gait is detrimental to patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Its pathophysiology represents a multilevel failure of motor processing in the cortical, subcortical, and brainstem circuits, ultimately resulting in ineffective motor output of the spinal pattern generator. Electrophysiological studies pointed to abnormalities of oscillatory activity in freezers that covered a broad frequency range including the theta, alpha, and beta bands. We explored muscular frequency domain activity with respect to freezing, and used deep brain stimulation to modulate these rhythms thereby (...)
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  25. Experience and Analysis.Johann C. Marek Maria E. Reicher (ed.) - 2005 - HPT&ÖBV.
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  26. Historia de la Filosofía Medieval.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1970 - Editorial Nova.
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    Die Philosophie des Mittelalters.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1926 - Geschichte der Philosophie.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Die Philosophie des Mittelalters" verfügbar.
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  28. Der Gottesgedanke in philosophischer, theologischer und pädagogischer schau.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1934 - Kevelaer (Rhld.),: Butzon & Bercker. Edited by Johann Peter Steffes, Linus Nopp & Paschalis Neyer.
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  29. Das Problem der Willensfreiheit in der Scholastik.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1909
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    Naturphilosophie.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1919 - Leipzig und Berlin,: B. G. Teubner.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  31. Filial obligations to elderly parents: a duty to care? [REVIEW]Maria C. Stuifbergen & Johannes J. M. Van Delden - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (1):63-71.
    A continuing need for care for elderly, combined with looser family structures prompt the question what filial obligations are. Do adult children of elderly have a duty to care? Several theories of filial obligation are reviewed. The reciprocity argument is not sensitive to the parent–child relationship after childhood. A theory of friendship does not offer a correct parallel for the relationship between adult child and elderly parent. Arguments based on need or vulnerability run the risk of being unjust to those (...)
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    Bolzano & Kant.Johannes L. Brandl, Marian David, Maria E. Reicher & Leopold Stubenberg (eds.) - 2012 - Brill Rodopi.
    Inhaltsverzeichnis/Table of Contents Themenschwerpunkt/Special Topic: Bolzano & Kant Gastherausgeber/Guest Editor: Sandra Lapointe Sandra Lapointe: Introduction Sandra Lapointe: Is Logic Formal? Bolzano, Kant and the Kantian Logicians Nicholas F. Stang: A Kantian Reply to Bolzano¿s Critique of Kant¿s Analytic-Synthetic Distinction Clinton Tolley: Bolzano and Kant on the Place of Subjectivity in a Wissenschaftslehre Timothy Rosenkoetter: Kant and Bolzano on the Singularity of Intuitions Waldemar Rohloff: From Ordinary Language to Definition in Kant and Bolzano Weitere Artikel/Further Articles Christian Damböck: Wilhelm Diltheys empirische (...)
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  33. Johannes Buridanus over het oneindige. Een onderzoek naar zijn theorie over het oneindige in het kader van zijn wetenschaps-en natuurfilosofie. Deel 1 : Studie; deel 2.J. Thijssen - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):706-707.
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    Mind, Cognition and Representation: The Tradition of Commentaries on Aristotle’s de Anima.Paul J. J. M. Bakker & Johannes M. M. H. Thijssen - 2007 - Routledge.
    This book traces the historical roots of the cognitive sciences and examines pre-modern conceptualizations of the mind as presented and discussed in the tradition of commentaries on Aristotle's De anima from 1200 until 1650. It explores medieval and Renai.
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  35. Das Problem der Willensfreiheit in der Scholastik Auf Grund der Quellen Dargestellt Und Kritisch Gewürdigt.Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1909 - C. Winter.
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  36. Experience and analysis: proceedings of the 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium, 8th to 14th August 2004, Kirchberg am Wechsel (Austria).Maria E. Reicher & Johann Christian Marek (eds.) - 2005 - Vienna: ÖBV & HPT.
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    Risk Factors for Adult Depression: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Personality Functioning.Paula Dagnino, María José Ugarte, Felipe Morales, Sofia González, Daniela Saralegui & Johannes C. Ehrenthal - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: Depressive disorder is one of the main health problems worldwide. Many risk factors have been associated with this pathology. However, while the association between risks factors and adult depression is well established, the mechanisms behind its impact remains poorly understood. A possible, yet untested explanation is the mediating impact of levels of personality functioning, i.e., impairments with regard to self and interpersonal.Method: Around 162 patients were assessed at the beginning of their therapy, with regard to risk factors, such as (...)
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  38.  17
    Philosophie des Moglichen. Grundzuge einer Erkenntniskritik.G. N. Dolson & Johannes Maria Verweyen - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24:674.
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  39. Ensino de sociologia E as contribuições de Leontiev E Galperin para elaboração de material didático­pedagógico.Maria Valéria Barbosa & Matheus Bortoleto Rodrigues - 2014 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 4 (8):35-49.
    O presente trabalho é resultado da pesquisa­ação realizado pelo grupo PIBID­ Sociologia de Marília. A pesquisa encontra­se em andamento e tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de atividades didático­pedagógicas para o ensino de Sociologia com estudantes do Ensino Médio, bem como de materias didático de apoio, baseados na teoria Histórico­Cultural, com especial ênfase em Leontiev (a partir da Teoria da Atividade). Com a perspectiva de melhor compreender os trabalhos realizados, seguem­se as análises com a utilização das contribuições de Galperin (com a (...)
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    Uivando exigências: o papel das emoções nos comportamentos de aprovação e censura em alcateias.Matheus de Mesquita Silveira & Joanna Maria Sulich - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 1:021001.
    O ponto central deste artigo é explicar como as emoções desempenham um papel fundamental no comportamento moral dos mamíferos sociais. Entendida como um fenômeno natural, a moralidade é caracterizada como um sistema de exigências recíprocas, em que os lobos estão envolvidos desde o nascimento, e o vínculo emocional entre os membros da matilha desempenha um papel fundamental. O argumento é empiricamente informado para apresentar uma possível relação entre emoções e instintos sociais com relação à aptidão dos lobos para comportamentos sociais (...)
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    Nicolas d'Autrécourt et la Faculté des Arts de Paris (1317-1340) (review).J. M. M. H. Thijssen - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (1):172-173.
    J. M. M. H. Thijssen - Nicolas d'Autrécourt et la Faculté des Arts de Paris - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46:1 Journal of the History of Philosophy 46.1 172-173 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Johannes M. M. H. Thijssen Radboud University Nijmegen Stefano Caroti and Christophe Grellard, editors. Nicolas d'Autrécourt et la Faculté des Arts de Paris . Quaderni di Paideia, 4. Cesena: Stilgraf Editrice, 2006. Pp. 329. e32.00. This book is a (...)
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    Maria Kronfeldner, What's Left of Human Nature? A Post-Essentialist, Pluralist, and Interactive Account of a Contested Concept.Johannes Rübel - 2019 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 126 (2):399-401.
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    Phönizisch-Punische GrammatikPhonizisch-Punische Grammatik.Philip C. Schmitz, Johannes Friedrich, Wolfgang Röllig, Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo & Wolfgang Rollig - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (3):483.
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    Associative Cognitive Factors of Math Problems in Students Diagnosed With Developmental Dyscalculia.Johannes Erik Harold Van Luit & Sylke Wilhelmina Maria Toll - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  45. Altman, Matthew C. A Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2008. Pp. xviii+ 232. Paper, $30.00. Baker, Lynne Rudder. The Metaphysics of Everyday Life: An Essay in Practical Realism. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Pp. xv+ 253. Cloth, $85.00. [REVIEW]Paul J. J. M. Bakker, Johannes M. M. H. Thijssen, Samantha Frost & Palo Alto - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (3):495-98.
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    Zeitgemässe Wahrheiten, Neu-Heidentum und Christentum.Adolf Titus Johannes Maria Sommerfeld - 1935 - Berlin-Lankwitz,: Kommissionsverlag, Continent Edition.
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    The Commentary Tradition on Aristotle's de Generatione Et Corruptione: Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern.J. M. M. H. Thijssen & H. A. G. Braakhuis - 1999 - Brepols Publishers.
    In this book, a dozen distinguished scholars in the field of the history of philosophy and science investigate aspects of the commentary tradition on Aristotle's De generatione et corruptione, one of the least studied among Aristotle's treatises in natural philosophy. Many famous thinkers such as Johannes Philoponus, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, John Buridan, Nicole Oresme, Francesco Piccolomini, Jacopo Zabarella, and Galileo Galilei wrote commentaries on it. The distinctive feature of the present book is that it approaches this commentary (...)
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    Über den Begriff der Wissenschaftslehre oder der sogenannten Philosophie.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 2014 - BoD – Books on Demand.
    Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Über den Begriff der Wissenschaftslehre oder der sogenannten Philosophie Erstdruck: Weimar (Industrie-Comptoir) 1794. Der Text folgt der zweiten vermehrten und verbesserten Ausgabe: Jena (Gabler) 1798. Textabweichungen gegenüber der Erstausgabe sind in den Fußnoten wiedergegeben. Der in der Erstausgabe enthaltene dritte Abschnitt »Hypothetische Eintheilung der Wissenschaftslehre« wurde in der zweiten Ausgabe gestrichen, da er durch Fichtes inzwischen erschienene »Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre« (1794/95) überflüssig geworden war. Die der zweiten Ausgabe beigefügten Rezensionen (zu Schellings Schrift »Über die Möglichkeit der (...)
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    Relação entre genética da transmissão e genética molecular: como a biologia contempor'nea interpreta os caracteres dominantes e recessivos de Gregor Mendel?Beatriz Ceschim, Matheus Ganiko-Dutra & Ana Maria de Andrade Caldeira - 2023 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 18 (2):111-126.
    A explicação bioquímica da dominância permite a reinterpretação do fenômeno e da relação entre a genética da transmissão e a genética molecular. O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir sobre as explicações de dominância e recessividade a partir da proposta de Mendel, e como a genética molecular contemporânea contribuiu nesse sentido. Para tanto, considerar-se-á alguns autores que, no século XX, procuraram explicar o fenômeno bem como aspectos referentes à articulação entre genética da transmissão e genética molecular na interpretação da dominância. O (...)
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    História de vida: um imbricado teórico-metodológico para uma comunicação cidadã em Lagoas do Norte para quem?Sarah Fontenelle Santos, Maria Angela Pavan, Luan Matheus dos Santos Santana & Kassandra Merielli Lopes Lima - 2022 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 28 (3):176.
    Neste artigo, refletimos sobre a história de vida no imbricado teórico-metodológico do movimento Lagoas do Norte para Quem?, deslocando o olhar para saber quem são os moradores que lutam pelo corpo-território da Comunidade Boa Esperança, no Piauí. Para isso, percorremos o caminho de uma comunicação decolonial (VILLANUEVA, 2017), partindo da construção do conhecimento horizontal (BERKIN, 2019), com perspectivas na territorialização e ciência do comum (SODRÉ, 2002, 2006, 2015), atravessados pela história de vida (PINEAU; LE GRAND, 2012) e imersos em um (...)
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